Fordham University EMS

Fordham University Emergency Medical Service

Welcome to the Website for Fordham University EMS. This page is currently under construction. Stay tuned to more updates soon to come.

Proudly Serving the Fordham Community Since 1977

In Case of Emergency:

Presently Fordham University EMS holds certification from the New York State Department of Health as a basic life support emergency response agency. Through the utilization of our two ambulances and membership, FUEMS provides fast and effective emergency medical care to the Fordham University community. As a growing agency in a University setting our goals extend beyond just merely providing emergency care but also providing continuing education for our current active members.

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Where We Are Located

Looking for Scheduling? Click Here for the Orion Scheduling System

This website was created by Christopher Valenza for an assignment in Fordham University's ST: Mobile Commerce & Apps class taught by Professor Michael Brauman